Monday, April 09, 2007

Democracy or Liberty

In the article On Democracy on the website Free Market News Network Corp. author Steve H. Hanke writes about democracy and U.S. documents. He explains that the intention of the Framers of the Constitution was never democracy as many people in the public think. Hanke states that “the Constitution was designed to further the cause of liberty, not democracy”. Within the Constitution are set limits(rules) for each branch of the United States Government: legislative, judicial, and executive. These limits give the branches certain powers to exercise and to check the other branches of government while ultimately protecting people from abuse of government powers. Democracy isn’t even mentioned in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, or the Declaration of Independence. I think it is interesting to look at the principles of which our Constitution and other documents were founded on and the direction our government is taking today with domestic and foreign policy. Our government seems to be forcing democracy, not liberty, on other nations as well as our own. It would seem more rational to me to take the route of the Framers of the Constitution and push for liberty. I am not saying that democracy is evil or bad, but I am saying that I could see where democracy could move our country towards more government intervention and control that would result in less freedom for the people. I think the Framers of the Constitution realized this as well and that is why they wrote the Constitution and other documents the way that they did.

1 comment:

Larry Eubanks said...

It seems to me that there have been several speeches by President Bush about foreign policy, and for the ones I've paid attention to, the President has generally discussed liberty.

Of course, the situations in Irag and Afghanistan seem to be discussed in terms of democracy, and not in terms of liberty.

It appears that the distinction between liberty and democracy written about by Holcombe in the article assigned for class is not widely understand.